
Thursday, November 28, 2013

What I'm Thankful For

Hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving today.  I haven't done this yet, but I thought now would be a good time to say what I am thankful for.

1:  Family---I was able to spend time with my brother and his family today.  I had a lot of fun playing with my niece, Alexandra (that's what she wants to be called, even though I've called her Lexi for the longest time) and having a good meal on the day (I'm not a turkey guy and I don't eat much of the food served on Thanksgiving; maybe some potatoes and rolls).  I am thankful to have a great family who I love very dearly and have been able to see throughout this year.  Finally, I am extremely thankful for my sister-in-laws, Julia and Rachel, and their families, for knowing them and getting to hang out with them as much as I have this year.  Whether it was in Vermont or down in Oregon, I am grateful to know you all and really enjoy spending time with you this year. <3

2:  Friends---Throughout this year, I was able to start a matter how I did it (in person, on social media, etc.), I wanted to get back in touch with as many friends as I possibly can because, with my condition, I was feeling like people were growing apart from me and I was worried that if I didn't start this, I would lose more friends and be out of the picture with those who I cared about for the longest time.  I still have many more to get to and I know I'll get to you all soon, but know that, whether we knew each other from my time in Grand Isle (my hometown), Essex (where I went to high school) or Lyndonville (where I went to college), know that I am extremely grateful to know you and hope I can hear from you all again someday.  That is why I end most of my messages to you with the saying "Keep in touch;" because we don't know when we will have to say "Goodbye."  <3

There are more things that I am thankful for, like Television, the Internet and a volunteer job, but these are the main things I am really thankful for.